Theme 11 – Peace
The Peace Campaign is devoted to bringing together grassroots movements and organizations to create a culture of peace, establish departments and ministries of peace, and prioritize nonviolent forms of communication. WE do this through promoting a global military ceasefire and the multilateral framework of the UN for resolving international conflicts.

This campaign focuses on:
⭐ Celebrate the UN International Day of Peace (September 21) by observing a minute of silence at 12 noon globally and in other ways
⭐ Work to create a Culture of Peace
⭐ Promote a global military ceasefire on September 21
⭐ Promote the multilateral framework of the United Nations, its institutions and its legal instruments for resolving international conflicts
⭐ Call for Sept 21 being a day of nonviolence in all media – a “media ceasefire”
⭐ Call for Sept 21 being a day of nonviolence in our communities – a ceasefire for gangs, domestic disputes, etc.
⭐ Establish departments and ministries of peace around the world
⭐ Prioritize nonviolent forms of communication at all levels – from the personal to the international
⭐ Highlight our personal and collective progress towards a Culture of Peace
⭐ Carry out other programs that support Peace

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