Take Action as a Partner of WE
Become a part of the growing movement for GLOBAL change!
JOIN our ever-expanding network of people, organizations and campaigns to share innovative ideas on WE Forum, be inspired and get ideas to create your own action/project, start a WE Student Action group or Local WE Group and learn about opportunities to get involved with Partner organizations’ projects and events.
FOLLOW activities and programs related to WE Action Campaigns. Each Action Campaign offers unlimited ways to become active, working directly with WE, participating in Partners’ activities and campaigns and/or creating your own action or project.
SPREAD the message of WE and encourage your associates and network of friends to join WE!
POST your creative ideas and actions for WE Action Campaigns on WE Forum and discover opportunities to work on programs, events and campaigns of Partner organizations; Organizations, post events, announcements and campaigns on the WE Global Unity Calendar.
CREATE your own WE action or project within your school, community or as an individual. Get ideas and successful models to start your own personal action for WE or start a Local WE Group.
Be part of this exciting movement for change as a co-creator of the WE campaign. The vision of WE is possible with your participation!

Join the Change Agent Network
Register your Organization to Participate in one or more of the WEÂ 11 Campaigns For Change!

Become a Volunteer
Become a WE volunteer and help us spread the message of unity, love and cooperation!
Subscribe to our WE Campaign Global Action Newsletter 🌍
Start your own Local WE Group Chapter!
Hold Monthly Public Salons to Discuss an Issue of Concern and Take Action. Each meeting can be focused on one or more of the 11 Campaigns for Change.
People can be invited to attend the Salons without being formal WE CAN “members”. If they enjoy the discussion they may come back the following month and bring their friends so it can grow. And the Taking Action section (Part 2) will allow some of the people who took part in the discussion to get involved if they want to go further than just discussing the issues.
Local Organizations and Businesses related to the Salon Theme can be contacted to participate in Salons – to supply Speakers for a Salon and/or to take the lead regarding Part 2 Organizing and Taking Action. These partner groups could also invite people from their email lists to come to the Salons thereby increasing the numbers and popularity of the monthly meetings.
Salon Themes can be selected in advance to coincide with major events – for example, with World Water Day March 22nd (and the Equinox March 20th), the Interdependence Theme could work because one of the goals is to “Expand awareness and action to protect and preserve our global commons (land, water, air, internet, etc.)”. and with Earth Day April 22nd the Environment Theme could work, and for May Day May 1st the Economic Justice Theme could work.
- This idea has the potential to draw in many new people to your core group.
- There can be a signup process for people to add their email addresses.
- There can be a donation basket – checks made out to We, The World, Donation Link:Â WE.net/donate
- You can present this plan of having an ongoing monthly Salon based on the 11 Themes to potential venue hosts or sponsors, who may become excited about supporting the group (and We, The World).
At your first meeting you can determine who wants to take charge of organizing which Salon Themes for upcoming monthly meetings.
Please email us with any questions or to discuss ideas if you are thinking of starting a WE CAN group where you are:Â info@WeTheWorld.org
Thank you for helping to create a more peaceful sustainable world!
Global Unity Calendar
Never Miss an Important Day of Action Ever Again!
Our Global Unity Calendar features events from all of our 600+ partners! Stay in the loop and help WE create massive, global change!