WE Vision
Imagine 1000’s of people, organizations and businesses around the world that work for peace and sustainability establishing such collaborative working relationships and being so well linked that a success in one region is soon modeled in dozens of others!
Imagine those people and organizations collaborating on periodic critical issue campaigns that culminate with major Global Events several times a year in which visionaries, activists, artists, celebrities, diplomats, socially responsible business leaders, forward thinking government officials, and the general public come together to celebrate, share information and take action!
Now imagine after each Global Event thousands of new people get involved and, with expanding media coverage, millions join with peace, environmental groups and socially responsible businesses worldwide, transforming society and themselves, consciously and collectively using their buying power, their voting power and their people power to move us visibly toward a world that works for all!
We’ve begun to make this happen! 11 Days of Global Unity Sept. 11-21, with as many as 700 associated events in over 60 countries, is one of our major accomplishments toward realizing this Vision. Your financial and volunteer support now will help us fully implement it.
WE acknowledges, celebrates and enhances a dynamic, expansive experience of WE, setting in motion a new system of social innovation and change.
The WE experience is a conscious movement from ‘I’ to ‘WE’ that embodies a feeling of oneness and connectivity reflected in one’s thoughts and actions. As the experience of WE expands and evolves in our thoughts, visions and behavior, the effect transforms the patterns currently damaging our lives and world. This experience involves a greater awareness and empathy toward the entire human family, all species, organisms and resources that share, enjoy and sustain life on this precious, planet earth.
With this new thought there emerges possibility. Through the experience of genuine connection, creativity is expanded and opportunities are realized. A shared consciousness of WE will create a synergy of awareness and action, a transformative movement for a new effect. WE will influence political will, reshape culture and society and change the story.
The Unique Offering of WE
New Framework
The objectives of WE are to expand the consciousness of WE and to catalyze social engagement through an expansive communications network and unprecedented collaboration of organizations and individuals worldwide. We, The World, its partners and friends, communities, networks, social change movements and individuals will co-create WE as a dynamic, interactive and open partnership. The ever-expanding numbers of partners and co-creators will meet through www.WE.net, the network for social change. WE will promote and publicize collaborative programs, projects and activities as well as plan and manifest hub events in major cities worldwide to inspire, inform and engage a diverse, global community for a call to action.
Utilizing the model of 11 Days of Global Unity Campaign established by We, The World in 2004, (now in over 60 countries with more than 700 associated events), the concept of local action, global participation will be channeled towards a broad theme representing significant social issues through four campaigns per year. With sensitivity to the earth’s natural rhythm, the ongoing WE Action Campaigns (Unity & Peace, Ecosystems & Biodiversity, Human Needs & Social Justice, Water, Transformation & Spirit, Media, Culture & the Arts) will focus energy and action on major social issues and culminate on the solstices and equinoxes each year. Each campaign will have ‘tracks’ that are integrally linked, for instance, the Ecosystems & Biodiversity initiative relates to Unity & Peace, Human Needs & Social Justice and Water. A web of social awareness/action linked to major initiatives illustrates the interrelatedness of all living things and the interdependence of our common needs.
New Activism
Springing from the intersection of an urgent need for a sustainable and peaceful planet, the genuine benefit derived from this compassionate, living connection – the experience of WE, and the technology available to interact on a global scale, the social movement, WE, is positioned as decentralized network and vehicle. Organizations and individuals joining WE become co-creators in a meta-network that is dynamic and evolving. A synergy of awareness and action, the elements of this WE awareness and activism will expand organically and exponentially, inspiring imagination, generating a mass movement of empathic connection and effective action and focusing collective consciousness on creating a world that works for all. WE is a catalyst for the growth of the mass social movement towards awareness, compassion and sustainability that is already emerging.
The network, www.WE.net, provides the structure to facilitate sharing innovative ideas and collaborating on a global scale. WE.net will grow as an expansive and intuitive vehicle for the thousands of organizations and millions of people to connect, interact and take action in every corner of the world. Through WE.net, WE Action Campaigns will be coordinated. In addition, We, The World, will organize and produce hub events in major cities worldwide in connection with the culmination of each Action Campaign. Opportunities for direct volunteer participation through www.WE.net as well as accessible models for creating and registering new projects created in a school or community will be offered. This network serves as a mechanism to become active locally and participate in the greater global effort, enhancing the effect of every partner/co-creator organization.
New Reality
The collective efforts of all the social change agents coalesce into WE, the characteristics of which are authentic, experiential, altruistic and intrinsically powerful. Through the WE Action Campaigns and WE network, a mass movement of people connect, share ideas and organize to take action, expanding the WE consciousness and creating a new activism. WE inspires new innovative ideas, projects and initiatives through individual and group action, generating energy towards sustainability and a culture of peace ~ a new reality. The consciousness and activism of WE enabled by the We.net framework produce a tipping point of awareness and action necessary to affect current trends of cultural and societal individualism, creating the reality of WE.

Join the Change Agent Network
Register your Organization to Participate in one or more of the WE 11 Campaigns For Change!

Become a Volunteer
Become a WE volunteer and help us spread the message of unity, love and cooperation!